✦ Amplify and sensitize your energy body with playful, experiential and contemplative exercises.
✦ Cultivate the energetic qualities in your connection to reach deeper love and higher states of consciousness.
In this workshop, we explore the more refined aspects of tantric se.xuality. Opening myself to the realms of the subtle has been profoundly fulfilling. By being with a parter you’re open and attracted to, we can achieve a much higher level of intimacy, attunement & resonance — a space designed to cultivate the energetic qualities of your connection.

What You'll Experience

Embodiment & Release: Arrive & connect deeply with yourself.
✨ Se.xual Vitality Qi Gong: Harness your creative life force energy for vitality and joy.
✨ Polarity Play: Tap into a strong magnetic attraction.
✨ Heart-to-Heart Expansion: Explore the profound beauty of connecting from your heart.
✨ Taoist Multi-Orgasmic Wave: Learn how to circulate waves of energy and bliss with your partner.
✨ Meditation: Use the amplified energy to increase presence and consciousness.

Why Choose Energetic Intimacy?

When your energy body is attuned and open, any form of physical interactions become exponentially more fulfilling. Find deep satisfaction through energetic connection and experience intimacy on a level you’ll never want to miss again.

Who Is This For?

This workshop is designed for you to participate with a partner. It can either be a romantic or just a practice partner you feel comfortable doing these practices together.

A practice partner is someone you set a clear container for this workshop (using tools like an RBDSM-Talk beforehand, to manage expectations and meaning). It’s best if you feel an openness and an attraction to your practice partner, but you don’t have to have se.xual or romantic interests for each other. Be aware that these techniques can lead to deep intimacy and connection.
We recommend attending this workshop only if you have cultivated your energy body to some extent through practices such as yoga, qigong, breathwork, meditation, or similar disciplines.

What is the degree of physical intimacy?

This workshop mainly works with non-physical interactions. You should feel comfortable to sit in Yab Yum (sitting with a partner in a tantric embrace).

Key Details

📅 When: 1. March 2025, 13:00 - 17:30
📍 Where: Tayo Freiraum, Schweighofstrasse 405b, 8055 Zürich
💰 Energy Exchange:
     - First-time offer: 50% off! CHF 55 per person (regular price CHF 110)
     - Written Testimonial (if it feels authentic)
     - Openness to being filmed for sharing in social media (not in super exposed moments).
👫 Join with a Partner
🍵 Tea & Snacks provided
📜 limited places!


Lucia Baer
